

About this Website is a resource. Most of what you will find here is free. Use, share, and enjoy whatever you find that works for you.

I have been kicking around the planet for over 65 years now – dealing with my portion of catastrophes, discovering practical ways to heal – and also having a lot of fun. This website is an attempt to organize some of these creations, techniques, and discoveries into a usable form. For you. whoever you are.

MUSIC takes you to videos and some audio tracks. Some are live performances, some are improvisations with video added. They mostly involve me playing the piano (or keyboard) – sometimes alone, sometimes with others.

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT takes you to a library of information, mostly from the standpoint of movement:

  • How movement grows the brain

  • How to recognize infant reflexes, and how to use these primitive movements to grow, heal, and learn – both for children, and for people of all ages

  • How to use touch to help heal all kinds of stress and trauma

  • A library of songs and movement games to help young children come into equilibrium – emotionally and intellectually

There are videos, articles, how-to diagrams, audio tracks, lyrics, and more.

MEDITATION takes you to a class I teach on Tuesday nights at 8 ET, by donation to the Monadnock Mindfulness Practice Center. We share thoughts about the world, do a little light yoga and other integrative movement, and then share in a half hour meditation which usually includes listening to live music (mine).

There are also guided meditations with music to listen to.

There will be more in each of these categories as time goes on and as I continue to add materials; keep checking in.

Enjoy the website!

May you be happy
May you be peaceful
May you be free

