Lynn Economic Opportunity Center Workshop Resources

Lynn Economic Opportunity Center
Workshop Resources


It has been a pleasure sharing these workshops with you. Here are the online resources that we had talked about in our meetings. You can refer back to this page at any time.

⚫ Slide presentations from our meetings:

28 & 29 May 2020, Teacher’s Meeting , Separation anxiety discussion, midline movements, reflexes and trauma, integration techniques.

3 June 2020, Parent’s Meeting , Self-care, breathing techniques, brain gym techniques, games to play with children.

⚫ A 10-part lecture describing much of the theory behind Primitive Reflexes and their integration (or lack thereof) into our adult selves. Along with supplementary notes: Recognize, Redirect, Release! Integrating Primitive Reflexes .

⚫ A Guided Meditation for parents, teachers and caregivers to restore calm in under eight minutes (listen here):

Grief and Relief, words and music by Eve Kodiak
If you would like to "watch" the music, Grief and Relief is part of the album Sleep Like a Baby by Eve Kodiak.

⚫ Songs that you can play from my workbook Feelin’ Free:

Feelin’ Free
Spaceship Game I - Feet
Spaceship Sounds
Reflex Rag

⚫ Some enjoyable movement and singing exercises that you can do with kids:

Songs of Calm, Includes: Five Buttons, Rock a Little Forward and All the Way Back, Oh No! Let it Go, Criss Cross, Applesauce, and Dark and Light .

Some Reflex Integration Raps
Rig-a-Jig-Jig Through the Midlines
